Courses and coaching for Occupational Therapists to beat burnout so they can excel at work and home.

As Occupational Therapists

we wear all the hats

We are the problem solvers, the helpers and the advocates.  Is it any wonder then that we often feel overwhelmed?

If you’re an OT or OT student who’s plagued by self-doubt, frustration and a sense of disconnect, you’re not alone.  According to the research, the majority of clinicians have (or will) experience burnout at some point in their careers.


Because tertiary education doesn’t sufficiently equip us with the tools we need to manage ourselves within our work, often resulting in compassion fatigue, poor mental health, and high attrition rates – but it need not be this way! 

The Mindful OT delivers personal and professional development differently. We provide courses and coaching to upskill clinicians, so they develop professional resilience, eliminate stress and achieve excellence in their personal and professional lives.

In short, we take therapists from stressed, stuck and apathetic, to competent, confident and inspired!

The Mindful OT

So who is The Mindful OT?

Leesa Tuffnell is an OT with over 20 years of experience.  She’s a mum of three, Clinical Supervisor, NLP Practitioner, Trainer and Assessor, Yoga Instructor and is certified in Mental Health First Aid. 

Like you, Leesa has experienced the perils of our profession and after recovering from burnout herself, made it her mission to help fellow therapists avoid the same pitfalls. Leesa is passionate about empowering clinicians to reclaim their wellness (and is also a bit of a geek when it comes to research!) 

Here at the Mindful OT we’re all about facilitating the growth and development of clinicians – but we do it differently! Our services are evidenced based, practical and delivered to you via an OT framework – which WE know, is simply THE best approach!

We provide evidence-based online courses and coaching to create healthy, happy and confident clinicians.


do we work with?

The Mindful OT provides courses and coaching to OTs/OTAs/OT students who are:

  • Pre-occupied by thoughts of not being ‘good enough’.
  • Feeling frustrated, overwhelmed or emotionally exhausted.
  • Experiencing compassion fatigue and / or burnout.
  • Struggling with low mood or a lack of motivation towards their career.
  • Grappling with the operational and administrative demands of their job.
  • Keen to inspire their own personal and professional growth.
  • Looking to practice OT in a different and more fulfilling way.
  • Driven to making a difference by helping their clients achieve solid clinical outcomes.

What results can you expect from working with us?

  • You’ll have the tools you need to successfully manage yourself within the profession.  Our clinicians report feeling confident, competent and complete.
  • Reduced risk of professional burnout and compassion fatigue. 
  • A prosperous and fulfilling career (you’ll fall back in love with OT). 
  • Improved health and wellbeing.
  • Access to a suite of evidence-based strategies to improve the effectiveness of your clinical services and operational efficiencies.  
  • The ability to recognize your OT dreams, by having the resources needed to sustainably support your clients to achieve their goals.

Providing OTs with solutions to de-stress, so they can reconnect with their meangingful occupations.